I got through Privilege of the Sword in three days. I was slightly surprised I got so into it. At times it felt like a teenage harlequin, and that was a lot of fun. My only problem with the main character, Katherine, was that she was around 15 years of age, so I found her a little naive and silly. Fortunately she matures through the story.
I suck at summaries, but let's give it a try: Katherine Talbert, a country girl, is invited to the city by her uncle the Mad Duke. The uncle intends her to learn the art of wielding a sword. Katherine meets new people, of whom few are what they seem. Tension, masks, drama and the voes of teenage girls in need of husbands. Like Austen combined with swashbuckling.
Anyway, I was very happy with the book. It is apparently number two in the Riverside-series (someone correct me if my understanding has failed me), but I don't think reading the books in order is necessary, at least I didn't have any trouble understanding things.
Something happened with this book I wasn't suspecting. I don't usually start planning a Hollywood casting for books, because no one ever looks like I think the character should, but this time it just came to me like *snaps fingers* THAT. So here goes:
the Mad Duke - Daniel Day-Lewis
Lord Ferris - Alan Rickman
Lydia Fitz-Levi - Jennifer Love-Hewitt
Alcuin - Orlando Bloom
...The last one is half a joke. xD I think I had one more suggestion, but it's in my notes somewhere and I don't feel like digging it up as I just tidied my room up. (With this book, a piece of paper and a pen is a good idea. There are so many names that pop up when you least expect them, and it's a bitch trying to remember who the hell they were and why it is so scandalous all of a sudden. I'm usually good with names, but I think the pace in which I read was too quick for them to sink in.)
Wow, that has to be the longest bit I've written about a book in years! o_O Shows just how much I enjoyed and analyzed it, I suppose. Anywho, I recommend it warmly, though maybe not for people under 13 or something.
Now I'm going to start getting ready - it's graduation day, and I've got two parties to attend to and later a gig of my friend's band Eternal Struggle. Fun music! :D
I'll be back later. I'm continuing with Red Seas Under Red Skies, which I started during the Lynch-hype about two posts ago. It's such a great book. <3
PS: Ah, so this is the third Riverside book. My apologies.
lauantai 5. kesäkuuta 2010
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