perjantai 27. marraskuuta 2009

Top 5 Actors

Okies. Today I'm finally getting a grip of myself and doing something I've been thinking of doing for some time - making my "Actors Who Are Reason Enough To Go See A Movie" -list. So here goes.

1) Ewan McGregor

The picture is perfect, because the movie I first remember seeing Ewan in was Star Wars Episode I. A bit later I saw Moulin Rouge (show me a girl who didn't love him in that one!) and have been tracking down his movies since. So far my favourite has been Serpent's Kiss. Ewan is the only reason Angels And Demons was worth watching, and even though I've heard his upcoming Men Who Stare At Goats hasn't exactly been floating reviewers' boat I'm gonna go see it. Ewan will make it all better. :D
Have you seen him in "Film 4 Free" commercials? If you haven't, go check them on youtube. He's got to be the sexiest tomato ever!
Years of fangirling: 8

2) Karl Urban

I'm a Lord of the Rings -fan, which should tell everybody where I spotted him. Éomer was one of my favourite characters before Karl, too, and I was very pleased by the way he portrayed him. He's another actor who makes me suffer through anything - I really didn't get Pathfinder, but hey, Karl was wearing a loincloth and wielding a sword! Unfortunately I have a long list of stuff by him that I have yet to see, like Doom and Price of Milk.
I also seriously doubt - no, scratch that, I know I would never have seen Star Trek if he hadn't been Bones. (And what a delightful Bones he makes!) Now I've found myself a Trekkie in-the-making. Thank you, Karl!
Years of fangirling: 7 (that long already? o_O)

3) Alan Rickman

It's a bit hard to define when I realised how charming Mr. Rickman was. It might have been the third time I saw Sense And Sensibility. That is actually very probably. Anyway, I like in him the same stuff every other girl does: charm and that velvety voice.
Some people say he's too old. Now, excuse me - he may be 63, but no younger actor has that warmth and, as much as I hate repeating words this is the only one suitable, charm!
I have seen shamefully few of his movies. He is great in all the Potters, his singing made me giggle in Sweeney Todd and I'm really looking forward to seeing him as the Caterpillar in Burton's Alice In Wonderland next year! (Psst - did you know he's done audio books? I need to find one...)
Years of fangirling: about 5 or 6

4) Emile Hirsch

My friend got me to watching Lords of Dogtown, and my gosh, Emile did great! After watching the extras on DVD I realised how well he got all the mannerisms and expressions of the real Jay Adams. So I started looking for his other movies - shamefully few seen, again - and I really enjoyed Imaginary Heroes. In Alpha Dog he was great as well, though in Taking Woodstock I was a little disappointed (I think his character remained quite flat). I cursed a lot when I realised they had run the Emperor's Club on TV and I had missed it.
With this guy, it was first his cuteness (look at that smile!) that attracted me to him. It has occured to me afterwards that he's a great actor. The future of Hollywood can relay on him.
Years of fangirling: 5

5) Anton Yelchin

I have to admit it: with Anton, it's purely because he's so darned adorable. For now. I have seen only two movies featuring him, and thus haven't got much to judge from. He was delightful with his Russian accent in Star Trek and he made me both squeal and cry in Alpha Dog.
A fun thing I found out about him - he looked a lot like Elijah Wood's Frodo when he was younger. There's a picture on IMDb in which he could be Frodo sitting in Bag End.
I'm currently trying to get my hands on Charlie Bartlett and muttering profanities over the fact that I didn't go see Terminator: Salvation when it was still running. Oh well.
Don't you just love his jacket in the picture? Because I do! ^^
Years of fangirling: 1/2

There you go! :D Turned out to be sort of Top 5. Let's see what I'll come up with next time. Maybe my favourite directors? Books? Bands? We'll see about that.
I've been overwatching Big Bang Theory and the Guild.

With love,

keskiviikko 18. marraskuuta 2009

Some strangeness

I just realised today that I've had two interesting coincidences. Both while listening to Tarantino soundracks.
The first one:
I was walking down town, listening to the legendary Royale With Cheese -conversation. Just when John Travolta had said "Big Mac's a Big Mac but they call it 'Le Big Mac'" I happened to look down and there it was, a discarded Big Mac wrapper. I sort of giggled to myself.
The second one:
This time it was Reservoir Dogs -soundtrack. I sat in the bus, and it had stopped to take people in. Stuck In The Middle With You was playing. "Fools to the left of me, jokers to the right-" I happened to be sitting on the right side of the bus and was looking out of the window. On the bus stop there was an ad that said something about hockey tickets. It was basically the ad of a local hockey team - the Jokers.
That was really weird.

Just felt like sharing. ^^

I watched Alpha Dog (finally...) a couple of days ago. I'm a fan of Emile Hirsch's and Anton Yelchin's (the other one's talented and the other one plain adorable) and I had really looked forward to this movie. But now I've felt so bad since I saw it. I don't even want to think about it. But it was sad. If you want to feel uncomfortable and sad, watch it.
It wasn't a bad movie, I'm not saying that. It at least brought up some emotions. But not the kind of emotions I was hoping to experience.

That's it this time.
Pony out.

torstai 12. marraskuuta 2009

Update numero uno


I had a blog before. It was supposed to be about culture, but I realised I'm too random a person to keep it that way. So I got rid of it and decided I'd start a new one - this time it'll be whatever is on my mind! :D

This update is here simply to tell you guys that I'll be here to blabber away of whatever I find interesting at the moment.

What would it be right now? Not much. I'm going to see a friend tonight, do some more driving school stuff and just poke around online.

Cathc ya later! :D
