perjantai 30. huhtikuuta 2010

May's on it's way

This is just a short update. Fangirl warning, definitely.

If the websites of Amazon and Akateeminen kirjakauppa are to be trusted, the two novellas from Scott Lynch will be available tomorrow.

Frickin' tomorrow. Seriously, I've been waiting for Bastards and the Knives for what seems like ages! (Curious, seeing as it was only about a year ago that I first started reading tLoLL...) Sadly, the bookstores will be closed tomorrow since it'll be May Day, but gods damn it, I'm going to be there first thing on Sunday to bug all the shop assistants! Me wants it, me needs it... and me probably won't allow me to read it before the entrance exams are over. >.<

But still. I borrowed the Mammoth Book of Fantasy from the library (edited by Mike Ashley) about a week ago, and haven't even been reading it, 'cause guess what? I just had to start rereading Red Seas Under Red Skies. I can't help but giggle at the beginning of chapter one, it's just... There're no words for it. I really feel more people should read the series, I really do.

And the bookshop page also said that the third book, the Republic of Thieves, would be out February 22nd 2011. I really hope that's true - the date has been postponed a couple of times, and the official fact is that it'll be out 2011. So fingers crossed that there'll be less than a year to go!

But more about the books when I get it. I'll make sure to post a pic, a little like a proud aunt posting pictures of the nephew or niece. (This is going to be a nephew, I feel. But we'll see.)

Clouds should go away so that we may enjoy vappu. The day after tomorrow - an attack to the bookstore. They better have it there, I don't want to order one and wait for another two weeks to get it...

(What happened to the "No New Books When There's No Room In The Bookshelf" principle? Lynch is an exception.)


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